Dwi Aurika Pratiwi
Skripsi Ekonomi Akuntansi 2008
Universitas Budi Luhur
The object ive of t his research is t o examine the perception different of accounting students and external auditor about the profession ethics accounting public In jakarta. The research to be analysed use t -test for independent sample test.The Grand theory of this research is Profesion from SPAP (2001), Audit ing Environment(Boynton, Jhonson, 2006); middle range theory are Perception Robbins (2003:164); This research was support ed by Ludigno and Macfoedz (1999),Yulaika (2000), Wulandari and Sularso (2002), Murtanto and Marini (2003) Winarna and Retnowati (2004), Latifah (2004), Sudaryono and Kuspiputri (2004), Yusuf dkk (2007).
Data consisted of primary data, primary data were collected by questionnaires. Questionnaires propagated by counted 200 questionnaries. Quest ionnaires re-propagated that be able to be processed by counted 160 quistionnaires from 5 Universiy and 10 Public Accountant Offices in Jakarta.
The data processing of this research use Software Statistical (SPSS) versi 13.0, Result of Reseacrh indicates that there is significant difference between acounting students and audit or about The profesion Ethics Public Accountant where auditor have better perception compared to the Profession Ethics Public Accountant.
Keywords : Eksternal auditor, Accounting Student s, Perception
The profesion Ethics Public Accountant.
Guidance Lectures : Drs. Sihar Tambun, SE, M.Si, Ak
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