The direct social and political impact of the IMF programs was, however, clear for all to see. The forced elimination of government subsidies, which raised the price of fuel, food and other basic commodities, resulted in massive demonstrations and riots, which in turn, and predictably, led to the fall of Suharto. The IMF thus accelerated Suharto’s fall through its policies.
Author: Fadli Zon
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4 komentar:
link nya sudah didelete om, mohon di upload ulang dong butuh datanya nih makasih.
link nya sudah didelete isinya om, mohon di upload lagi dong. butuh datanya nih, makasih.
link nya sudah didelete isinya nih. mohon diupload lagi. butuh datanya. makasih,
sudah diperbaharui..tks infonya
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